Thursday, August 14, 2008

Somebody call the doctor...

Dr. Pepper, that is.

Today was back to school haircut and school supply shopping day. The day didn't start off well, I had the energy of a three-toed sloth from the minute I woke up. I just couldn't get into gear at all. It didn't help that there was no caffeine available in the house for a jump start. So, we went out to get haircuts, came home for lunch, and went to Target for the supplies. That was fun. It's not like all the other schools around here start next week, or anything. But, we got it done. Well, mostly done, there were a few things I couldn't find, and gave up on.

One thing I made sure to get was Dr, Pepper. It was the last six pack of bottles left. I grabbed it, put it in the cart, and thought of nothing else on the way home, except how it would taste. When we got home I grabbed all the bags and took them in the house. Then it hit me. These bags weren't heavy enough to be holding the Dr. Pepper I longed for. A quick searched confirmed my fears. My son had put all the groceries in the cart for me so I asked him were he put the pop. On the button, was his answer. I never looked there in the parking lot. Sigh. Right now someone is enjoying free Dr. Pepper because of me.



Anonymous said...

Thinking of you doing back to school shopping reminds me of that commercial (staples, I think) where the dad is happily piling supplies into the cart while the kids look on miserably and "It's the most wonderful time of the year." is playing in the

I think I may be oine of the few people who doesn't like Dr. Pepper. It always just tasted like medicine to me.

Mike said...

DC: yeah, it does taste a little medicine-y. Have you tried the cherry vanilla or berries and creme versions? They taste better. Sweeter. Try it out.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I've tried the other ones. They're way too sweet and still have that medicine after taste. I'm not really much of a soda drinker anyway.

Mike said...

DC: How about Mr. Pibb? Do you have that by you. It's probably best you don't drink it. It's not good for you anyway. :)

bluegame said...

At least you still have M& M's!

Anonymous said...

I don't like Mr. Pibb or any root beer flavored soda either...yuck. I'll stick to water, tea and juice. :P

Mike said...

Lori: I certainly didn't forget those in the cart!

DC: You're not missing anything. I'm trying to give it up. I haven't been very successful.

Florinda said...

I assume by the time I got around to reading this post (Friday afternoon - sorry!) you had remedied your Dr. Pepper situation?

You sound like my husband about his beloved Coca-Cola, or as I call it, his "nectar of the gods," which he must have before noon. (Not a coffee drinker, that one.)

I've forgotten stuff at the store that way too - I hate that.

Mike said...

Florinda: yes, I went to the grocery store today. It was going to be the subject of my next post. When I get time. :)

Karen Funk Blocher said...

It's a familiar problem. I recently arrived home without a five pound box of red grapes!

Mike said...

Karen: I figure with all the things that have been picked up by the kids and not paid for, I should lose things at the store sometimes too. Just to even it out. :)