Monday, March 16, 2009

My eyes! My eyes!

So, I'm sitting here, minding my own business, reading stuff off the Internet, and I stumble upon this. I know I have mentioned my general dislike of feet, so any of these would be my worst nightmare for a birthday cake. Did you see the one with the broken toe? That just adds to the mild disgust I feel while looking at these. I mean, come one; the first one has little hairs on it. Who would eat these? I can't even talk about the foot fungus cakes...

So, thanks to Cake Wrecks, I know that I can find a cake that will totally disgust me.


Dreamybee said...

LOL-I love Cake Wrecks! I can't imagine what goes through the minds of some of those decorators!

Mike said...

Dreamybee: I don't think we want to know. :)