Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving: Be Lazy
Friday, November 18, 2011
EMPS 150: A walk in the Park
Anyway, on to the pictures.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Mini Home Improvement
Anyway, I have some house project to work on which, if you know me, I suck at. But I worked on painting our fireplace this week. We painted, well, my nephew painted, our family room walls, and we decided to paint the fireplace too. Why you ask? Well, take a look at what it looked like.
A little on the 70s side, don't you think? We decided that when we painted the room we'd have to do this as well. I was a bit worried since it is finished wood and I knew it would be hard to cover. I wasn't wrong.
On day one I put a coat of primer on. I was actually more nervous after I did this. See how much you can still see through it? I didn't think anything would stick to the wood.
I took a picture after the second coat, but I can't seem to find it now. But, it was a little better. I felt a little better.
The first coat of paint went on pretty well. I could still see the wood, but it was much less noticeable. Progress!
Finally, I applied the last coat today. It's like a whole new fireplace!
Of course, now we need to put something up. It looks too bland by itself. Don't you think?
Okay, now for some well deserved rest.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
What kind of lame blog am I running here?
I haven't been around much here, but I'm still on Twitter, Tumblr and Google+. Mostly I've been posting pictures there and I'll probably end up doing the same here. It's what I like to do know, so I should probably put it here. I hope I don't bore you all too much.
Speaking of pictures, here are the last batch from Hawaii.
This is the helicopter that the family rode in to see the sights. How did I get this picture, you ask? Well, I wasn't in there. Our daughter was afraid, so someone had to stay. I took one for the team. What?! I'm not getting in one of those things.
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This is Mauna Loa from the helicopter place, Blue Hawaii. I originally thought it was Mauna Kea but was corrected on Google+.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Our Summer Vacation Part 2: No, I'm not going to say it
Okay, so I left off on the second full day in Kona and how tired we were. Sunday was the next day and a little better in the sleep department. This day Jenn and I took the kids out geocaching around the area. We found one out of three that we tried. Some were really hard! This is also where we ran into our first gecko. They are all over the place, but I didn't mind them. I'd rather see these guys walking around than rats.
Then it was time for some shaved ice and more geckos. This guy was eating some of the syrup that spilled on table. It probably tastes better than bugs.
Monday was the big deal day for the kids. They were going to swim with dolphins. They were looking forward to this ever since we told them about it back in December when they opened their gift of the dolphin ride. That day, of course, our daughter was a little nervous about it, but she was much less shy about it once she was in the water. They only let parents get so close so you have to buy their pictures, but I managed to get a few to work since I had my zoom lens. Of course, we ended up buying a couple of pictures anyway. Yes, we are suckers.
The kids didn't get a long time in the water with the dolphins, but we ended up spending most of the day at the hotel that contained Dolphin Quest. I think by the time we go home it was almost 3pm and we left at 9am.
I think all we did was go to eat after the kids changed. We went out to eat way more than we said we were before we left. Isn't that always the way? So much for buying food and cooking it at the house.
Tuesday was the "Big Drive." We went all the way around the island, for the most part. The main plan was to go to Volcano National Park, which was on the opposite of the island, but we were going to make some stops on the way.
The first was actually unplanned. We were driving and saw a sign for a tsunami memorial and we decided to go see what it was. After some very narrow and twisty roads we ended up in a place that reminded us some place right out of "Lost." Actually it was Laupahoehoe Park, but look at this, doesn't seem like the others would live here?
The tsunami memorial was off to the side and marked the site where 20+ people, many children, were killed when one hit in 1946. I didn't take a picture because I felt weird taking one of a memeorial. I don't know why.
There were also a lot of these big concrete things along the water. I don't know what they are for, but they reminded me of something for a WW II movie.
We left there and continued on to Akaka Falls. Actually, we stopped for lunch first, but everyone agreed it wasn't very good, so I won't mention the place here. The falls were...wet. I mean rainy wet. Yes, I know were were in the rain forest, but it makes it hard to take photos when it is raining so much. Jenn was nice enough to hold the umbrella over me as I took a few photos. It's a Hell of a drop, no?
We moved on to the volcano park. Due to recent activity a good section of crater rim drive was closed off so we didn't get to drive about as much as we'd like. But we did see a rainbow over the caldera!
We also went to the Thurston Lava tube. It was much larger than the one Jenn and I went in on Maui years ago. We could actually walk upright, which is good since I'm an old man now. I guess we could have walked down in one of the old calderas, but we didn't. See those white dots, they are people.
We continued our journey around the south end of the island, which was had a lot more twists and turns, and made it home just as the sun was setting. We were pretty wiped out after that day.
This is getting long, so I'll stop now. I thought I could finish in two posts, but I'm too wordy.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
In honor of getting the Internet back...
Anyway, Jenn and I were at some Halloween shop and I saw this Klingon kit. Now I watched Star Trek, but I wasn't a super huge fan. At least not enough to dress up as a Klingon. Or so I thought. So, yes, I bought the kit with the wig and ridged forehead and the makeup. It turned out okay for my lack of skills in the makeup department. I know that the guy throwing the party didn't recognize me. Anyway, here you go. Laugh it up, fuzz ball. Wait, that's the wrong movie...
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Our Summer Vacation Part 1: The Beginning
Some time last year, I can't remember exactly when, I was at work and Jenn had gone to her parents with the kids and when she came back we somehow had plans to all go to Hawaii this summer. Don't get me wrong, I didn't complain at all, I was more surprised than anything. After a year of figuring out where, and exactly when to go, we decided on renting a house in Kailua-Kona. By this point Jenn's sister and boyfriend dropped out, but we found a great place to stay on the water. Okay, Jenn found it, are you happy?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Vacation is over, so I'll be back soon.
In the meantime, enjoy this picture of a gecko. I named him Fred. Fred has a lot of friends in Hawaii. Sometimes they come in your house to say hi.
Be right back!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I have some questions about this wallet
I'm on the midnight shift again, so my brain is a little mushy. But, is that really anything new?
Anyway, I saw this commercial for the Aluma-Wallet, and I have a few questions. First, here is the commercial for your viewing pleasure.
First off, when did we have such a problem with getting our wallets wet? I can't recall any time mine has gotten wet? Do they mean if you drop it in a toilet? If they do, I don't care what the thing is made out of, I'm burning it. Ladies, have you ever spilled a bottle of water in your purse? Is the first thing you pull out to salvage your wallet, or your makeup that costs a million dollars. Now that is something that should come in a water-proof case.
While we are talking about getting your wallet wet, what is ruined when it gets wet? The ink won't run on the money. The credit cards will dry just fine. What's left? That receipt you've been carrying around for five years? An old losing lottery ticket? I can't think of anything that is in my wallet that would need to be replaced, except for maybe the wallet itself.
And How thin is this thing? With it being aluminum, it's not going to flex very much. That doesn't seem very comfortable to carry in either my front, or back, pockets. Of course, I wear super tight pants, that may be why. (No, I really don't).
Oh, about the RFID chips, Is that a big theft thing? I don't have any cards with that, so that is more of a real question rather than a sarcastic one. But, it doesn't seem like it should be as big of a big deal as they make it out to be.
You know what that commercial is missing? The exasperated idiot who can't close a wallet without money and credit cards flying around the room. They show some close-up of wallets not fitting into pockets and purses, but I'd like to see a man or woman's face with that helpless look on it as they try to shove a comically large wallet into their pants our purse.
You should go buy this anyway. To help the economy and all that.
I need to go to sleep.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
This Dog Cracked Me Up
Jenn and I were watching Animal Planet last night (we were flipping, okay?) and we saw this video during some funniest dog show thing. I don't know, maybe it was because I was really tired, but laughed very hard at this. I know, I need to get out more often.
Now, maybe this dog has some kind of brain issue that we shouldn't laugh, but I don't care. It's funny!
I know this is a little old so if you've seen it already, I'm sorry. If you haven't, consider it my Fourth of July gift to you.
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Shed Vac
Do you dream of vacuuming your pet? Do you really believe that your pet will sit still for this? Is your pet 15 years old? Then you're in luck! The Shed Vac is for you!
Look how much the pet enjoys it! I bet your dog wished it's mother would have used this on him instead of her tongue when he was born. Wouldn't you rather vacuum yourself instead of taking a shower? Think of all the money you'd save on water bills!
Get it the Shed Vac today! Your pet probably won't kill you. Just make sure you have a good supply of bandages available if using this on your cat!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Cars 2: Electric Boogaloo
Anyway, we went to see Cars 2 today, and even with all the bad reviews out there, we didn't die. Hell, we didn't even hate it. Believe me, we've seen so much worse. So, what is the deal with the reviews? Well, I have a few ideas.
First, check out the review from Linda Holmes on the NPR Monkey See Blog. She points out many of the things I was thinking. Cars 2 is probably the most straight forward kids movie that Pixar has ever done. Sure, there are some things for the adults to enjoy, some of the character's names, the scenery and even some of the voice actors. (That was Bruce Campbell!) But, overall this was really aimed at the kids so they can see the cars zoom around the track and, especially, to see one of Mater's Tall Tales in a long format.
Anyone who has kids has seen these Mater's Tall Tales on Disney Channel, well this is the same thing except expanded to a full feature. We should have seen this coming. Now, I'm not going to pretend that Mater is my favorite Cars character, but he is no Jar Jar Binks. I didn't want to shoot myself while watching it. The kids love Mater though. He's the village goof that the kids can laugh at since he says, and does, silly things all the time. Why wouldn't they make him the central character, it is a kids movie after all?
So, what is Car 2 really? I like to think that it is a action/spy movie for kids. It has all the cool locations, the cool gadgets and the bad guys from some vaugely eastern European country. Also, it has a convoluted plot that doesn't make much sense. But, what Spy movie doesn't have a nonsensical plot? Have you ever seen The Tailor of Panama? Do you know what happened in it? Neither do I, and I watched the whole thing. Also, pretty much any James Bond movie. We adults don't watch spy/action movies for plot, we watch them for, well, the action and the cool gadgets. So, why should Cars 2 be any different?
Oh, yes, it's a Pixar movie so there has to be some deep underlying emotion to it, or something like that. Why? Why can't they just make a fun movie for kids to enjoy? Actually, after I watched the movie it reminded me of one of my favorite cartoons as a kid. It think it was from Hanna-Barbera, where the taxi cab and his wife had a baby car. The baby car wants to be a dragster and his dad is pissed. They end up making up after the boy saves his dad's life. I liked it because it was about cars that were like people. Kids love that stuff. They don't need anything more. The adults do.
I saw in the Chicago Tribune that they gave it 1 1/2 stars today and that is what got this blog post started. They really want me to believe that Mr. Poppers Penguins is a better movie? Come on! I bet if this same movie was released by DreamWorks it would get at least 2 1/2 stars. (Plus more fart jokes). Yes, Pixar has made some great movies, but could this be that much worse than the previous Cars movie? Or is this a bit of, "Let's knock the big guy down because this wasn't awesome?"
Based on my kid's reactions, it seems like the latter. I'm not saying Cars 2 should get four stars or anything, but I think some critics are beiong overly harsh because it is a Pixar movie and they expect more. It's a movie about cars that are like people. We are not talking Citizen Kane here.
Oh, did I like it? Yes, it thought it was fine. No worse than the first Cars movie. It certainly looked incredible. Speaking of which, when do we get Incredibles 2?
The Toy Story short was good, too. Just go take the kids to see the movie already. Your next movie you'll be dragged to is probably going to be the Smurfs. We all know how great that will be.
(Where there enough rehtorical questions in this post? See, I can't stop. What is wrong with me? Stop it!)
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Remember that guy that used to write here? Yeah, he was cool.
What else? Oh, I updated the blog a little. It was due for a change. I added my currently reading widget from Goodreads. I've been reading a lot lately. I've read Feed and Deadline by Mira Grant (AKA Seanan McGuire). They are zombie novels, but not your average zombie books. They are great and you should really read them. I mean it.
As you can see, I'm reading Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson right now because it's a great name for a book, and we all know it is coming eventually so I might as well be ready. I wonder if the zombie apocalypse or the robopocaplyse will come first? Maybe they will team up and completely wipe us out. Who wants to write that mash-up novel?
I've been watching a lot of TV, too. It's been very rainy here the last month, so there hasn't been a lot to do. One show I recommend is Finding Bigfoot on Animal Planet. These researchers are looking for bigfoot, of course, but they are totally gung-ho on this. It's not that they just want to track down reports from people, they believe bigfoot is out there for sure and keep mentioning all these "facts" about them. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but we have never actually found a bigfoot, right? So, there is no way we know how they sound, how big they are, etc. Right? Unless Harry and The Hendersons was based on a real life situation I didn't know about. Seriously, watch it. Just once. It's fun!
Oh, I also have a new music review up at Functional Nerds. So you should probably read that this weekend. What else do you have to do? There is a lot of other cool stuff over there.
Okay, go have a good weekend. I promise to be back soon. I know you have all been waiting.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Not dead. Not yet.
For the three of you still looking for new posts, no, I'm not dead. I'm just been busy with work and Rapture preparing. I've got my bathtub full of water, powdered milk and lots of booze. I figure after Saturday I can find a nice big TV in some house that the family has been fully Raptured. What? You think we are going to be out of power or TV? Yeah, I don't think the people in charge of either of those industries are going anywhere.
Anyway, I'm still here. I have a post I want to do when I get around to it. I think it will interest about seven people. So, look for that!
Have a good weekend! If your still around on Sunday, let's hang out! I'll have a giant TV and plenty of microwave popcorn to share.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
This is not the best idea for a character
We were watching TV last bight and this commercial came on for those Sideshots things. Now, they may not taste bad, but who came up with the mascot? Take a look.
Don't they seem a little gross? It looks like they ate so much they are going to puke out all of themselves, I guess? It's not a pleasing look. Am I right? Does this make you want to buy them?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Time to give it up...and give it away
Anyway, a little history. At the beginning of Lent I decided to give up chocolate. Not for religious reasons, but to see if I could and Lent seemed like a good timeline to use. I figured if I could make it through Lent it would be a big deal for me. Really, it is. You don't know how many M&M's I normally eat.
Now, I'm not going to lie to you, it was tough. That first week was like giving up drugs. From what I've seen on TV of course. I wasn't stuck in bed hurling into a garbage can or anything, but I certainly kept looking for some chocolate that first week.
I guess the best comparison would be to giving up tobacco. I used to chew tobacco in college (I know it's gross, that's why I don't do it anymore) and I remember how tough that first week without it went. You get used to having it at certain times like after a meal, or a snack or while watching TV, etc. Sure, chocolate doesn't have nicotine in it, but I was still used to having some after I ate, or I was bored. It was a bad scene.
So, I gave it up for Lent and I did really well. After that first week it was much easier to go without it. Franky, I was proud of myself. Until Good Friday, I was sick, and I decided to stop that day. Remember, this wasn't for religious reasons so I wasn't worried about getting struck by lightning after eating a piece or two. Or more.
I think I did pretty well the first two days being able to eat chocolate, but yesterday I decided I need to stop and get rid of the stuff in the house. Why? Two words: acid reflux. A while back my doctor had told me some things that can trigger acid reflux; tomato sauce, chocolate and alcohol. Being an Italian, beer loving, chocolate fiend, that was some pretty tough news to take. I have done well with holding back on the pasta sauce and the beer, but not so much on the chocolate. So, long story a little shorter, I had my first acid reflux attack since I gave up chocolate for Lent last night and that's when I decided I need to keep off the stuff for the most part. I can't keep M&M's here in the house, that's for sure. Those things keep calling me back and I end up regretting it later in the night. I need to get rid of them. Now.
I have three bags that I got for Easter. Do you want them? Yes, you! If I'm going to get rid of them I might as well give them to someone that actually reads this thing. So leave me a comment if you want them and tell me why you should get them and I'll chose who gets them. If nobody leaves a comment, I'll bring them to work or something like that. But, I'd rather give them to you. Make sure to leave an e-mail address for me to contact you if you don't have a link back to your blog or website.
Go tell your friends. I know they like chocolate even if you don't.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
"I'd Say It's Coming Straight Toward Me"
But I feel, as a sort of PSA, I should mention a few things about this video. First, don't do this. Ever. Sure, if you see a tornado you are going to want to grab a few frames of video, but do it from a safer spot. Be ready to take cover. Okay?
Second, I like how he says it's about a half-mile away and it's a weak one since he can only see dust and leaves in it, or something like that. Those aren't leaves. That is debris. Can you see leaves from half of a mile away? No, those were probably branches and parts houses or something. Maybe a cow. Are there cows in North Carolina?
And, finally, the best part is when it gets close and he gets a little nervous and tells the person on the phone he loves them. I thin, then he realized that this might be a little more dangerous than he thought. See, even if a tornado look, or is, a little weaker it can still fling some pretty big stuff at you. That is what is going to kill you.
I'm glad this guy wasn't hurt and he shared this video, but let's not try to top him, okay?
This has been your Tornado PSA For today.
I know Jenn is laughing as she reads this since this is something I would do, but I'm a professional so it's okay.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Trying Out Some New Stuff
I'm trying out some blogging software for my iPad. It's called Blogsy and seems to have some of the stuff I was hoping for like, links, posting photos and all the other stuff that goes with blogging. Maybe I'll post more, but don't get your hopes up. (Not that they were).
So supposedly I can put a picture on here. Let's see if it works.
Hmm. I can't see the picture, but I see the link where it comes from, so let's hope it shows up.
Hey, "The Jerk" is on. I haven't seen this is ages! I want to say the first time I saw "The Jerk" was at a sleepover. I remember thinking it was so funny when he called the dog shithead. Actually, it still kind of is. Obviously I haven't grown up at all.
Okay, that's enough random thoughts. It's late, I'm tired and I want to see if this works.
Edit to add picture back in. I figured it out now!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
For once it was warm during the Shamrock Shuffle




Sunday, April 3, 2011
Growing like


Monday, March 28, 2011
New review on Functional Nerds
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Few words, mostly pictures




Sunday, March 20, 2011
I will use these for every birthday

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Meanwhile, back at the lab
For those not familiar with the show, as the DVD says, he was TVs first crime scene investigator. I don't know if that is true, but it sounds good. Actually, he's a medical examiner that always thinks a death is suspicious and goes over everybody's heads to figure out if he is right. He always is. Did you really expect it to be any different?
Quincy started out as part of the NBC Mystery Movie series of shows back in 1976, but I mostly remember it as the regular series it became after that. It turns out that Quincy was such a hit in the NBC Mystery Movie that it was the only show to become a regular series from that set of shows. After watching the first five episodes so far I have one question. Really?
Let me explain. I'm not saying I hate it, but the NBC Mystery Movie included Columbo that was a much better show. Quincy, at least in these first several episodes, did not have the same level of writing or acting. It's so clunky. It's not because it is so old, believe me I get a kick out of seeing guys in tweed jackets with giant leather patches at the elbow, but these episodes just don't flow well. It's like they had enough of an idea for a 60 minute show, but since the NMM was 90 minutes they had to cram more stuff in there. One episode I watched was a two-parter that barely had enough material for one.
Oh, and they did not get good actors for these early shows. The main cast were fine, but the guests that they had on were bad. Again, some of the problem was the material they had to work with, but a fair amount of blame has to be put on the guest actors too.
I find it entertaining on how they make Quincy seem like some kind of super doctor. There was one episode where the press was outside getting a statement from another doctor that solved the case along with Quincy. One of the reporters asked Quincy if he felt like he was getting shown up by the other doctor. What? Why would a reporter ask such a stupid question? Would a reporter even know who the LA County coroner was? Especially if this case was not in LA County? Was he some kind of world famous coroner?
Like I said I watched this as the series when I was a kid and I don't remember that he had a serious girlfriend in the beginning. I recognized her, but not from this show. I found out that she was on quite a few episodes of M*A*S*H which I also watched a lot. I still do. According to IMDB, the episode I watched today was the last one she was on so I'm curious to see how she is written off or if she is just gone all of a sudden with no explanation. I can see why they got rid of the character, she didn't have a whole lot to do in the show. They could have kept here on if they could have worked out a role for here to play, but Sam was Quincy's lab assistant already. Quincy didn't need two. Remember he is awesome.
So, am I disappointed? Not yet. It's been fun watching the episodes so far. I especially like the one on Catalina Island since Jenn and I were just there. I was trying to see things in the background that I remembered. The Casino was the only thing I could see.
I'm interested to see if the episodes tighten up and make a legitimate case for why the show lasted for nearly 150 episodes. Then again, I have yet to understand how Two and a Half Men lasted as long as it did.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Pardon me, I'm busy right now
Monday, February 28, 2011
Birthday, Oscars, Dogs, etc.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Commercials of the future
Imagine them 20 years from now. Sure, they'll be in 3d, so that is a benefit, I guess. Now when they have a commercial for a product that will make it easier to type on the computer, you can see the person acting out how difficult it is to type the old fashioned way by falling out of the chair and seemingly into your house. I mean, I can't count how many times I've fallen on my chair due to the extreme effort it takes to type. That is why we will all just speak into a microphone to type. (Yes, I know there is software out there now, but this will be cheap stuff that will really suck.)
You know how hard it is to fix a leaky roof with out plummeting to your death like the hologram just did a belly flop on to your living room floor? Well, Robot XG-5 can fall from a height of 50 feet without any damage. Just make sure everyone is in the house since they will most likely be killed if a 300lb robot fell on them. Better yet, leave the house all together. I'm not sure the roof will hold Robot XG-5 and he may end up on poor Skippy will he chews his bone in front of the TV. (Poor Skippy is having a bad day).
Now let's skip 500 years. Now the commercials are pumped right into your brain. Wirelessly. Remember how it too forever to get to Alph Ceti 6 to visit the in-laws? Half the time your dog Skippy would die on the way and have to be ejected out into space. (In the future dogs can't be put into suspended animation. I don't know why, I'm just making this up as I go along!) That's no way to travel. Plus the Cryo-sleep really does a number on you hair, not to mention your liver. There must be an easier way.
Of course there is, this is the future after all. The new Galaxy 1200XL will get you there in a fraction of the time thanks to the new Relativity Drive. Now, with a push of the button you leave this reality, skip through multiple dimensions, then end up back in ours right at your grandmother's doorstep, so to speak. No Cryo-sleep. You arrive fresh without the need to eject a dead pet, or relative, into space. It's just that easy. There is a small chance you might go insane while traversing the other dimensions, but you'll get there faster! Order Today!
Okay, maybe I shouldn't post in the middle of the night...
Monday, February 21, 2011
Hey, look what cool thing I got to do.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Busy week again. Enjoy some pictures!


